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4004 - Transmission Systems

Course number
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Training Week - July 8-12 2024
Attend the following five courses for the price of four days ($795/day) 
4001 - Introduction to Precision Maintenance
4002 - Shaft Alignment
4003 - Bearing Installation and Maintenance
4004- Transmission Systems
4005 - Lubrication Basics

Contact us at [email protected] to register for the full week.

Duration: 4 hours (virtual) or 8 hours (presential)

Following this training, the participant will be able to put into practice efficient and profitable maintenance practices for various transmission systems.

Intended for

Technicians whose job function includes industrial mechanical maintenance.


Next course in progression
4002 - Shaft Alignment
4003 - Bearing installation and maintenance 
4005 - Lubrication Basics
4009 - Dynamic Balancing

Course Content

Pulley and belt transmission systems
  • Understanding the factors affecting belt pulley system effectiveness
  • Understanding the different terms used for belt pulley transmission systems
  • Description of different belt and pulley types
  • Installation of belt pulley transmission systems
  • Maintenance of belt pulley transmission systems
Transmission systems using sprocket wheels and chains
  • Understanding the benefits and drawbacks of these systems
  • Understanding the different terms used for these transmission systems
  • Description of different types of sprocket wheels and chains
  • Installation of transmission systems using sprocket wheels and chains
  • Maintenance of transmission systems using sprocket wheels and chains
Direct-coupled transmission systems
  • Understanding the factors influencing the efficiency of these systems
  • Description of the different types of couplings
  • Installing direct-coupling transmission systems
  • Maintaining direct-coupling transmission systems

To learn more or register, contact us at: [email protected]